Car company Peugeot has a competition on their web site at the moment, where you have to find hidden 3008s. It features some astonishing panoramic shots of London, taken sometime last summer, from the top of CentrePoint. You can zoom in, and if you go full screen, it’s pretty impressive. Here’s an overview:
One thing that struck me is the number of roof gardens and terraces in central London, with some pretty lush planting on some of the newer buildings. And another thing that struck me is that, if Google blurs number plates and faces for privacy, shouldn’t Peugeot do the same. Especially when, thanks to their viewpoint, they’re able to show far more detail than Google Streetview. Here are some examples.
Yep, you really can zoom enough to go right in through that chap’s living room window. Just as well his head is cut off (which reminds me, as so many things seem to do, of the Duchess of Argyll).
Ok, so they probably are just asking for a cigarette. But that’s a pretty remarkable level of detail, isn’t it?
Let’s hope the driver of this van was supposed to be there. And it’s probably just as well there were no wardens around, because I bet he doesn’t have a permit – and certainly not one that covers having two wheels outside the parking bay.
I’m sure there’s lots more to find – and if you look at Oxford Street, you have a particularly good view, as there aren’t really any obstructions in the way. Yes, it’s bit of fun, but really, Pegueot, shouldn’t you have thought about privacy a little more?
Updated: by popular request, a few more images: