Thursday 28th February After an evening with friends and too much drink, and a row about a girl, my twin brother Patrick gets into his…
Category: Uncategorized
If you’ve been using Flixster (or before that, Blinkbox/TalkTalk TV) to access “ultraviolet” movies, you’ll probably have had a reminder that you need to migrate…
This morning brought a weird voicemail; the start is cut off, because presumably the computer making the call didn’t realise it was talking to another…
Much has been said in the media about the recent attack on TalkTalk, and the worries that many people have about whether or not their…
Facebook’s new look manages to squeeze the stuff I care about into a small central section of the page, with navigation down the left and…
The first of a few pieces I’ve done for The Register on tech gifts for christmas is now online.
Most of you don’t care about this. Testing a widget. More details at