What I did on my holidays

P1080323 by nwhitfield
P1080323, a photo by nwhitfield on Flickr.

On Sunday I returned from a trip to Sicily; those of you who follow my on Twitter will have seen some of the photos I took along the way.I’ll be writing a few blog posts over the next week or so that result from that trip.Panasonic’s PR team kindly loaned me a Panasonic DMC-G2 camera for the duration, which many of my photos were taken with.That wasn’t just out of the goodness of their hearts, but because I wanted to experiment. You’ll see that some of the photos on my Flickr photo stream have names beginning with P and some with an _. The latter were taken using not the Panasonic kit lens, but the lenses from my Nikon manual SLR, with an adaptor to fit them on to the Panasonic body. One of the reasons to do this was to see how practical it is to take your old lenses into the digital world, and how easy it is to use both digital and analogue side by side.I also experimented with a couple of different methods of geotagging, which I’ll cover as well. And I’ve got plenty of information about sorting yourself out with mobile internet access when you’re away, too.