Good news from Geneva – the future of terrestrial broadcasting in Europe is safe for now, thanks to the decision at WRC-15 to keep the…
Category: Politics
Though mostly a technology blog, sometimes I get very annoyed about things…
In November 2015, the Investigatory Powers Bill was published, revealing at last the extent to which our goverment thinks it should have access to all…
I’ve mentioned WRC here before, and today the meeting has opened in Geneva, with 3,800 delegates from over 160 member states and more than 130…
Much has been said in the media about the recent attack on TalkTalk, and the worries that many people have about whether or not their…
If you’ve read some of my recent pieces about the BBC, you’ll probably be aware that there’s a consultation going on, and a Charter Review…
Democracy, according to Winston Churchill, was “the worst form of government, except for all the others.” To a degree, I think, the same might be…
Over on The Register, there’s an interesting article about the Ashley Madison hack, and a fair number of interesting comments. There are also some from…