About GoneDigital

GoneDigital is a blog from Nigel Whitfield, a freelance IT journalist in London. The writing on this site is a mixture of material that’s been previously published in magazines and websites, as part of my fifteen years as a freelance, together with some new material created specifically for GoneDigital.

I hope that you’ll find plenty of information, both current and historical, that’s of use to you. In particular, there’s plenty of information about digital TV and related topics, and some more historical information about the development of broadband internet in the UK.

Please do remember that, in many cases, the material that appears on these pages has been commissioned by newsstand magazines and other media organisations, on a commercial basis.

In many cases, that means that copyright restrictions apply, and I can’t necessarily do everything that I’d like to with my own work. Since I rely on good relations with the various publishers involved to make my living, please respect that, and don’t copy or redistribute content from this blog, without at least checking with me first.

Do, however, feel free to link to these pages, or to quote extracts elsewhere.

If you’d like to know more about me, and see details of the various clients for whom I have worked, you’ll find lots more at www.nigelwhitfield.com.

You can also follow me on Twitter. The automated feed for this blog, which may include other related information too, is at twitter.com/GoneDigitalTV. If you want all the stuff from this blog, plus other things, follow twitter.com/nigelwUK – before you do, note that my twitter comments may include trivia, politics and other things unrelated to this blog. There are usually no scenes of a sexual nature, thankfully.