Waiting for a Nexus 7

I was rather hoping I’d get my Nexus 7 today; I had a dispatch note from Google, with a TNT tracking number. And an email saying they’d upgraded the shipping – probably to make up for the annoyance suffered by people who’ve pre-ordered, only to see those who waited get their units first.

Throughout the day, I checked the TNT web site to see where the delivery was, and a bit after five I was rewarded with an update.

According to TNT, the delivery address for my Nexus 7 doesn’t exist.

Yes, that’s right. I apparently live at a non-existent address; naturally I called TNT to find out what the hell was going on, pointing out the house has been in the same place for over 100 years.

The fault, though, is not with TNT. On querying the address, they told me all they have is “Basement flat, Basement flat, London” and the postcode. Naturally enough, this is not enough to enable them to deliver the Nexus.

And, according to the gentleman with whom I spoke, mine is certainly not the only package from Google that they have received with an incomplete address. They’re contacting Google to get correct information – because they can’t accept an address from me.

Needless to say, this is annoying; how hard can it be to export a CSV with all the fields in the right place for the couriers? I don’t know how widespread the issue is, but if you’ve had similar problems, do let me know in the comments.

And I shall be asking Google why on earth I’ve paid £10 for a delivery that’s been so comprehensively botched up.